Welcome to Anna Matityahu’s C Group Payment Portal!

Workout Hours:

  • Monday 6:45pm
  • Wednesday 6:45pm


  • Twice a week – $160 for 8 workouts (within 45 days)
  • Single workout – $26 (Zoom – $13)

Group rules:

  1. Bring the personal equipment that will be announced before each workout.
  2. Arrive on time. At 6:45 the door will close due to safety and because it greatly interferes with the workout.
  3. Cancel participation at least 24 hours in advance otherwise full payment for the workout will be required.
  4. Request a Zoom meeting at least 24 hours in advance. Requesting Zoom participation at the day of the workout is equivalent to an in-person workout.

Studio address: 2059 Grant Rd, Los Altos, CA 94024.

To make a payment, please click on one of the links below:


Venmo (mobile only)


List of required equipment.

Questions? Please email me at anna8teen@gmail.com or send me a WhatsApp/Text to 650.380.6455.