How to Teleport? Guide to Instantaneous Travel

Need to learn how to teleport? You’ve come to the right place.

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While physical teleportation currently belongs to the realm of science-fiction rather than science-fact – its very existence doubtful – in the world of lucid dreaming, it is not just possible: it is downright practical at times.

Also, in lucid dreaming land, teleporting from point A to point B is a relatively simple exercise of the mind.

I’ll also teach you how to achieve teleportation while in the astral projection state of consciousness.

How to Teleport within a Lucid Dream?

Within a lucid dream, teleportation can be triggered through a dream control technique. As such, it is clear that different people do it in different ways, though there are a handful of recommendations which may prove generally useful in this regard.

Starting off a well-known technique is a good idea, even if you later go on to develop you own, personal approach.

Let us take a closer look at some of the most frequently used teleportation techniques, that actually work.

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The Spinning Technique

Spinning around is one way to set up an instantaneous travel experience. Mind you though, that if you are a beginner lucid dreamer, you shouldn’t tinker around with dream control too much, as you risk waking up.

The spinning technique is all about losing track of your current dream landscape and imagining another one in its stead.

Just take control of your dream body, start spinning and as your current environment turns into a blur, picture yourself in a different location. As soon as your spinning stops, you will find yourself in that new location, provided you do not just hope or believe to be there, but actually KNOW it.

As the above example proves it, LD teleportation is a two-step process. Step one is about doing away with the current dream environment, and step two is inserting the new location into the dream.

The Door Technique

Using the “door” technique therefore makes perfect sense too. This approach is about conjuring up a door and then simply walking through it. This is in fact quite probably the simplest and quickest teleportation technique.

By walking through the door, one leaves his/her current environment behind, and walks straight into a new one. Some people might have problems conjuring up the door. If this is you, simply imagine that the door is behind you. Turn around and it will be there.

Once again: it is very important to truly know that you are walking into your desired location through the door. The advantage of this method over the spinning one is that it is much less destabilizing for the dream (those who close their eyes during their spinning, risk surrendering the lucidity).

How to Teleport in Lucid Dreams Using the Door Technique

Jumping Into a Picture Technique

Another LD teleportation method is the “Jumping into a Picture” one. The dreamer imagines a painting on a wall for instance, featuring the location where he/she wants to teleport, and simply steps through the frame, into the target environment.

The picture used does not have to be a painting. It can be a photo, a window or a computer screen even. Postcards can be used too, which is especially handy, considering the fact that before going to bed, one can actually use a postcard to visualize a destination he/she would like to visit in his/her dream.

Potential problems with LD Teleportation

While the above sounds simple enough, there’s much more to LD teleportation than that. There are a number of pitfalls which can ruin the experience.

In regards to the actual details of the destination, the mind’s eye needs to have a very precise picture of it, for the experience to entail any degree of authenticity.

A poor memory of the place or an incomplete mental picture of it, will distort it, taking the person experiencing the lucid dream or OBE (the projector) into an astral realm which merely resembles the intended destination.

How to Teleport During Out of Body Experiences

For serious OBEers, realism is extremely important. Such people do not like to find that the real-life location to which they wanted to teleport and the location to which they actually managed to teleport, are different.

For such OBE enthusiasts, teleportation is a much more complex experience than described above. When astral projection is involved, the whole experience becomes much more vivid and it takes on several extra dimensions. Projecting to where a certain person is for instance, becomes possible.

For such a projection, it is necessary that the projector should know the target person well. As a matter of fact, simply knowing someone is not enough. The projector needs to be aware of the other person’s essence, to pull off this stunt in real time.

Expert astral projectors are sometimes able to project to where a target person is physically located and to observe them going about their activities. While this aspect of AP sounds at least a little creepy, it certainly exists. With this phenomenon, the interference (usually manifested in reality fluctuations) caused by the mind of the target person (or by other people nearby) becomes an issue.

Long Distance OBE Travel

While flying is certainly possible and practical during OBEs, as a means of getting from point A to point B, when it comes to travel involving longer distances, it loses its utility.

The reason for this is that objective real time is very much valued by expert projectors. Having to cover large distances flying above the surface of the Earth at high speeds, causes the vision of the projector to blur, which induces a move away from objective real time.

The solution to this conundrum is to leave the Earth’s atmosphere, and to re-enter at a point directly above the target location, sort of like an intercontinental ballistic missile.

This solution is still more interesting in light of the fact that it is indeed quite similar to one of  the theoretic avenues explored for real-life teleportation.

Such long-distance travel is quite the far cry from the above described LD teleportation “tricks” though, its real time component being a major hurdle in the way of various mental gymnastics-based shortcuts.

This is a Dream...

Even those who resort to the above mentioned ICBM-approach for long-distance OBE travel, need to study maps and aerial photography, to be able to travel to their geographical location of choice in real time.

With the above in mind, it becomes obvious that projecting into outer space (to various planets of our solar system) is a very difficult feat to properly accomplish. Most of those who claim to visit other planets on a regular basis therefore most likely visit astral plains that resemble the way they believe the said planets look.

As far as outer-space OBE travel goes, the moon and the sun are the handiest targets by far. They can be found with the naked eye from Earth, not to mention orbit. The same can obviously not be said about the different planets, the position of which changes relative to Earth all the time.

Considering all the above, it is clear that there are indeed differences between LD-based teleportation and OBE/AP-based travel. Specifically: the latter is closer to physical teleportation than the former, which takes place entirely in an imaginary realm.

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How to Teleport in Real Life?

At the beginning of this article I mentioned that the very concept of real-life, physical teleportation may be impossible to formulate. Why is that the case though? After all, science-fiction movies have pretty much got this part figured out…right?

The problem with physical teleportation is that the deeper one digs into the possible theories behind this seemingly straightforward concept, the clearer it becomes that this means of faster-than-light travel entails scores upon scores of logical contradictions.

What exactly am I talking about? Let us take a closer look at some of the scientifically-leaning theories about how physical teleportation would be possible.

How to Teleport in Real Life - Dematerialization

First up, we have the theory of dematerialization.

According to this theory, the teleportation process starts with the complete scanning of the object/body to be teleported. It is safe to assume that this is how people are beamed up and down in various science-fiction films, so this is quite possibly the most “popular” theory out there.

The complete scanning of the teleported entity means that every bit of information about it, right down to the atomic level, needs to be learned and stored. This information is then “beamed” to the target destination, where – based on it – the teleported entity is then reconstructed.

What is wrong with this theory, beyond the more obvious problems presented by the sensitivity of the theoretical scanner and the sheer amount of data to be stored/transmitted?

First of all, an atomic-level scan will result in the complete annihilation of the scanned entity, right down to its last atom. There are certain “technical” issues involved with this process beyond the rather menacing and obvious threat of annihilation too: apparently, one can only glean a limited amount of information off an atom, before it gets disrupted and irrevocably altered. Information obtained past that point is obviously useless.

This problem can be theoretically circumvented through the recently much-hyped phenomenon of quantum entanglement, which would in essence provide two identical atoms, from which just enough information could be scanned.

The problem of the original atom succumbing to the scanning process remains though, which means that at the other end of the teleportation process, we get a – let’s call it “perfect”- copy of the original, rather than the original itself. Is this really travel at all then? What about the continuity of existence? It clearly does not hold any water in this instance.

To all that, we need to add the obvious fact that the data transmission which constitutes the actual “travel” part of this theory, will still be limited by the speed of light, so this “teleportation” will hardly be instantaneous, and therefore it might not even qualify to be called that.

A possible solution to all the problems listed above would be inter-dimensional travel.

Unfortunately, the theories that make up this method are not just wild and rambling, they also lack even the slightest scientific backing.

Long story short: assuming that there are an infinite number of parallel dimensions floating around in an inter-dimensional space, one could step out of his/her dimension into this inter-dimensional realm, and then step right back, having travelled thousands of miles within his/her own dimension, instantly.

While this theory solves the problem of faster-than-light travel as well as that of the continuity of existence, it is nothing more at this point than the ramblings of possibly scientifically-endowed minds, weighed down by all-too-rich imagination.

Last, but not least, we have the theory of wormholes.

The darlings of many a theoretical physicist, wormholes are theoretical shortcuts in the space-time continuum, the existence of which – obviously, only on a theoretical level – has long been proved by physicists, among them Albert Einstein.

While such wormholes would in theory solve the problem of instantaneous travel, it is strongly suspected that they would not ensure continuity of existence.

Above and beyond the fact that controlling such wormholes would take an infinite amount of energy, stabilizing them creates additional problems. Even if these conundrums were eliminated, the problem of actually going through such a wormhole would remain.

Apparently – according to minds much brighter and better informed than yours truly – the existence of wormholes through which humans could travel, is forbidden by the laws of physics.

For what we currently know, entering a wormhole would be the equivalent of passing through the event horizon of a black hole which – according to current theories – would be a much worse way to go than the above-described dematerialization.

While the existence of wormholes has been proven – as said above – none was ever observed. If they do exist, they’re likely out in deep space, meaning that natural wormholes are hardly useful for teleportation, even on a theoretical level.

To harness their properties in any shape or form, one would have to create an artificial one, and that undertaking takes us into a whole new dimension of pseudo-scientific speculation.

Scores of theories exist exploring faster-than-light communication (which could be the precursor of FTL travel) but obviously, none of them have yielded anything positive in any way.

Does FTL travel/communication equal teleportation at all though? The fact that something (theoretically) travels faster than light, does not make it arrive at its destination instantaneously, presumably not even if it travels from Earth to the edge of the Solar System.

How to Teleport – the bottom line

While the concept of instantaneous physical travel may not be a practical one (not even on a theoretic level), LD-based teleportation is possible and it is practical too. The same goes – with certain added difficulties and limitations – for OBE/AP-based teleportation.

Therefore, if you are fascinated by this phenomenon, the best way to “study” or at least “experience” it, is through the realm of dreams/AP.

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