Galantamine is a very potent supplement, aimed at the boosting of ACh (acetylcholine) levels and through it, promoting dreaming in general and lucid dreaming in particular. The fact that galantamine…
Salvia divinorum (also known as Diviner's Sage, Sage of the Diviners, Ska María Pastora, Yerba de la Pastora, and Sally D) contains a unique and very active hallucinogen and opioid-like…
Some people struggle with having spiritual experiences and enjoying vivid dreams, including out of body experiences. Even when these people take hallucinogenic substances, such as LSD, they may complain that…
The promise and appeal of lucid dreaming is irresistible to many. After all, by taking advantage of this phenomenon, one can accomplish deeds limited only by his/her very own imagination.…
Given that astral projection is such an intriguing and mysterious concept/phenomenon, it comes as no surprise that the film industry sought to capitalize on its appeal quite a number of…
While for most lucid dreaming and astral projection enthusiasts, the existence and power of AP is a scientific fact, for the public at large, the phenomenon is still somewhat dubious…
Crystals are rocks with special powers. Some crystals can be helpful for coping with sleep disorders, such as insomnia, night terrors, and sleepwalking, and with dream problems, such as nightmares.…
Need to learn how to teleport? You've come to the right place. While physical teleportation currently belongs to the realm of science-fiction rather than science-fact - its very existence doubtful…
Imagine if there was a simple technique you could adopt, that would enable you to experience lucid dreaming whenever you wanted. Now, imagine there were 7 easy lucid dreaming techniques…
The actual projection-phase (the moment when one's projected double breaks free of his/her physical body) is viewed as some sort of Holy Grail by OBE enthusiasts, and indeed, to a…