There are quite a few herbs used by Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners in order to treat sleeplessness (insomnia). Below are some examples along with their indications (specific conditions for which…
Do you have trouble falling asleep at a time society at large would consider "normal"? Do you stay up till past midnight before you even consider giving the old shuteye…
Narcolepsy is a sleep-related condition defined as a long-lasting neurological issue, which leads to the inability of the sufferer to properly regulate his/her sleep/wake cycle. The most common symptom of…
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder which is characterized by apneas (cessation of breathing events) during sleep. To determine the severity of sleep apnea, we consider the number of apneas…
Sleepwalking (also known as somnambulism, noctambulism and night wandering) is a sleep disorder which prompts the sufferer sit up or to walk around and to perform various complex actions while…
Also members of the unpleasant menagerie of bad dreams and sleeping disorders, Night Terrors are known to be most frequent in children aged 3-13. Some adults suffer from Night Terrors…
Sleep paralysis is a peculiar state of consciousness, during which the person suffering its effects finds him/herself wide awake in the middle of a dream/nightmare, fully paralyzed. During sleep paralysis,…
Sleep is a sort of "system shutdown" all humans perform on a regular basis, to be able to keep functioning. From a scientific perspective, sleep is much more complicated than…
For some unfortunate people, sleep is not something to look forward to because that is when they are confronted with unpleasant and upsetting dreams, which can be extremely vivid, and…