Sleep disorders can take a variety of forms. You may indeed have a sleep disorder and not even know it. What you eat has a massive impact on the severity/existence…
Gut health has a major impact on sleep quality and sleeping disorders in general. Sleep disruptions have a negative effect on gut health too. The "second brain" of the body, the…
For some reason, whenever we think about working out and general physical fitness, we tend to draw a sharp border between mental activity and physical activity typically performed at a…
Excessive sleepiness is a symptom of conditions, such as narcolepsy, idiopathic hypersomnia and obstructive sleep apnea, in which sleep in an inappropriate setting or episodes of unintentional sleep occurs. In…
For most people, Jet Lag (often described as a bad case of hangover, without the great night out) is no more than minor annoyance. First of all: it only affects…
Looking to enhance our dreaming experience and chances of attaining lucidity, we often reach out for supplements, trying to boost our dream recall, make our dreams more vivid, or adapt…
The importance of progressive muscle relaxation cannot be overstated, not just in regards to sleep, out-of-body experiences, astral projection and meditation, but also in terms of general health and well-being.…
Sleep paralysis is without a doubt one of the (if not THE) scariest and creepiest sleep disorders. Likewise, sleep paralysis movies are among the most disturbing representatives of the horror…
Zoloft (a trade name for Sertraline) is an antidepressant, which is used for the treatment of a number of disorders/issues, ranging from OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder) to panic disorder and major…
Sleep hygiene is a list of guidelines scientifically proven to improve sleep. Sleep can be influenced by many factors, such as: What you do during daytime What you eat and drink…