The health benefits of aerobic exercise are among the best documented medical facts. Everyone knows aerobic exercise is good for the health on a number of levels, but few people…
As a sleep consultant, I speak a lot with my clients about the importance of incorporating meditation into their daily schedule. However, it's important to remember that meditation is not…
In this comprehensive article on insomnia, I describe the most common treatments for sleeplessness. I begin with Western Medicine's pharmacologic treatment, which is very efficient, but its effects are not…
Sleep disorders can take a variety of forms. You may indeed have a sleep disorder and not even know it. What you eat has a massive impact on the severity/existence…
Gut health has a major impact on sleep quality and sleeping disorders in general. Sleep disruptions have a negative effect on gut health too. The "second brain" of the body, the…
For some reason, whenever we think about working out and general physical fitness, we tend to draw a sharp border between mental activity and physical activity typically performed at a…
The promise and appeal of lucid dreaming is irresistible to many. After all, by taking advantage of this phenomenon, one can accomplish deeds limited only by his/her very own imagination.…
Excessive sleepiness is a symptom of conditions, such as narcolepsy, idiopathic hypersomnia and obstructive sleep apnea, in which sleep in an inappropriate setting or episodes of unintentional sleep occurs. In…
Given that astral projection is such an intriguing and mysterious concept/phenomenon, it comes as no surprise that the film industry sought to capitalize on its appeal quite a number of…
For most people, Jet Lag (often described as a bad case of hangover, without the great night out) is no more than minor annoyance. First of all: it only affects…